Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thank you!!!

Thank you guys!! .....Adventures4school is our official school uniform supplier .....for all the t-shirts .....just for us this is amazing we're already using them!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

little nice notebooks

we're making some elaborate and fun notebooks...here is just a peep for now...

lesson 17

we just keep going .......cutting, fitting, positioning and experimenting more... more...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lovely fabrics

is it for our t shirts...or the prom.....or just mucking around!!

lesson 16

T shirts on the move, we're even cutting, stitching, appliquéing, choosing fabrics, trims and deciding colours!! 

Hey thanks!!

Thank you Marina Pizzuto Head of Accessory Dept., of Jill Sanders (mum of Iacopo Gil Cas Sas at St Louis School)

......for all these delicious items to use .......